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What are Yoni Eggs?
Yoni Eggs, also commonly know as Jade eggs, are polished natural stones that are inserted into the vagina for a variety of uses, including Strengthening vaginal muscles and the pelvic floor, Meditation, Healing, and many more.  The word Yoni is the Sanskrit word for the vagina meaning "sacred Space."  For over 2000 years women have used Yoni Eggs to heal and strengthen their sacred places and have even used these stones to meditate and manifest many desires into their lives. 


Here is a snapshot of the characteristics of the stones we have currently available:
Amethyst:  Resonates primarily with the third eye and crown chakra, Amethyst is a wonderful stones for travellers and those seeking protection from psychic attack.  It is a stone of wisdom and strengthens the ability to clearly hear and listen to one's own intuition.  Amethyst is also often used as a sleep aid, and is very helpful in calming anxiety.  It is a wonderful stone to stimulate vision work as well as channeling life force energy from the cosmos.


Black Obsidian: Resonates with lower chakras, specifically the root and sacral but also impacts the mind by removing mental fog by cleansing negative energy.  Black obsidian helps one block out mental stress and tension to help you relax and also absorbs negativity.  This stone is not gentle, if there is some issue or something cause you stress, black obsidian will bring it to surface so that it may be resolved and the negative energy associated with the issue can be dissipated.  This stone is handy for sudden changes and also is said to provide release from those suffering from arthritis.


Carnelian: This stones energy primarily sits at the sacral and solar plexus, but also reaches down to the roots and up to the heart chakra.  Carnelian is a stone of motivation and endurance, leadership, courage, creativity and abundance. Throughout history this stone has been used to protect warriors, priests and royal figures alike. This stone plays with the balancing of male and female energy and was traditionally used to stimulate desire, passion and love.  


Crystal Quartz: Often know as the "Master Cleanser", Crystal Quartz resonates with all of the chakras and is often used in cleansing the physical, emotional, and spiritual body or space.  It also amplifies the frequency of any other stones being used at the time.  Many consider this a stone of clarity, as often times you may be able to see straight through it, magnify, or observe an introverted image of what actually exists, giving you a fresh perspective or lens to see with. Crystal Quartz opens the mind and heart to higher guidance.  It also amplifies what ever intent is placed into the stone by the user and resonates that energy out into the universe and into etheric realms making it a beautiful stone for manifesting.


Red Jasper: A wonderful grounding stone resonating with the root chakra and representing life, protection and endurance.  It, like many jasper stones, carries a very nuturing energy that calms the physical and emotional body. Working with this stone can assist with physical strength and energy, stamina, focus and determination as well as connecting with ancestral roots and lineages.


Each of these stones have there own at length personalities and descriptions.  We provide brief descriptions here to help you choose which stone you would like to work with.  Continue to check in with our blog and interact with our website to find out more about stones and crystals and their unique uses.




How do I use my Yoni Egg?
Once your egg is clean you must work with it and then charge it. After the physical cleaning you may decide to spiritually clean the egg by bathing it in salt water, or smudging it with sage or other herbs.
There are many ways to charge and cleanse crystals. Eggs Purchase From Ascension Art are Cleansed and charged with good intention and positive vibration before they are shipped. However you will need to spend time with your egg so that its energy will work for you. You can also clear the energy by smudging or running the stone under water, depending on the stone you purchase.
After your egg is cleansed, meditate with your egg and set intentions for it and the work you would like to do with it. Charge your egg in the sun, moon, or in the ground until you are ready to work with it inside of you. When you feel the time is right, meditate with your egg again, speak your intentions into it, then insert the egg inter your vaginal canal. You may not feel the egg after it has been inserted, however, it will still help strengthen muscles whether you feel it or not.

How do I care for my Yoni Egg?
The first thing you must do is cleanse your Yoni Egg. To cleanse your egg boil water for at least three minutes to sterilize and then turn the stove off. Let the water cool and then place your egg in the water. If you wish to cleanse your egg with soap you must use a scent free castile soap. PLEASE DO NOT BOIL YOUR EGG OR WASH YOU EGG WITH HARSH CHEMICALS. Washing the egg with soaps that contain harsh chemicals may lead to those chemicals leaching in to your sacred space. This may also cause the egg to lose its luster and sheen.

Is Using a Yoni Egg Safe?
The use of Yoni Eggs is a very sacred process. There is no harm in using yoni eggs as long as they are used responsibly and kept clean. Therefore, Ascension Art and all parties involved within this company are not responsible for any misuse or health issues concerning the use of yoni eggs.

Yoni Eggs (Medium)

SKU: 217537123517253
  • How do I use my Yoni Egg?
    Once your egg is clean you must work with it and then charge it.  After the physical cleaning you may decide to spiritually clean the egg by bathing it in salt water, or smudging it with sage or other herbs.  
    There are many ways to charge  and cleanse crystals.  Eggs Purchase From Ascension Art are Cleansed and charged with good intention and positive vibration before they are shipped.  However you will need to spend time with your egg so that its energy will work for you.  You can also clear the energy by smudging or running the stone under water, depending on the stone you purchase.
    After your egg is cleansed, meditate with your egg and set intentions for it and the work you would like to do with it. Charge your egg in the sun, moon, or in the ground until you are ready to work with it inside of you.  When you feel the time is right, meditate with your egg again, speak your intentions into it, then insert the egg inter your vaginal canal.  You may not feel the egg after it has been inserted, however, it will still help strengthen muscles whether you feel it or not.
    How do I care for my Yoni Egg?
    The first thing you must do is cleanse your Yoni Egg.  To cleanse your egg boil water for at least three minutes to sterilize and then turn the stove off.  Let the water cool and then place your egg in the water.  If you wish to cleanse your egg with soap you must use a scent free castile soap. PLEASE DO NOT BOIL YOUR EGG OR WASH YOU EGG WITH HARSH CHEMICALS.  Washing the egg with soaps that contain harsh chemicals may lead to those chemicals leaching in to your sacred space.  This may also cause the egg to lose its luster and sheen.
    Is Using a Yoni Egg Safe?
    The use of Yoni Eggs is a very sacred process.  There is no harm in using yoni eggs as long as they are used responsibly and kept clean. Therefore, Ascension Art and all parties involved within this company are not responsible for any misuse or health issues concerning the use of yoni eggs. 

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